Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tiffany Giveaway: Cupcake Charm and Sterling Silver Necklace

I have always wanted a piece of jewelry from Tiffany. There is just something special about it. And the blue box! When my friend Moni retweeted this giveaway, I was so excited. I like little charm necklaces. I usually buy much cheaper ones at Forever21 or WetSeal. Nothing too expensive. Keep in mind, I'm in college. Money is tight. But I really like delicate jewelry like this.

Are you like me? Would it just make your day to win a necklace like this? If so go to the Party Cupcake Ideas Blog and enter the contest. The necklace is worth $200 and is just too cute for words! The contest ends October 30th. There are so many ways to enter. So go read the blog. By the way, the blog is too cute! I will definitely be keeping up with it! ~Kate the Great

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